Case Study: Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (December 2017)

Patients Age: 75
Admission Date: 11/16/17
Admitted From: Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital
Discharge Date: 12/14/2017
Discharged To: Private Home
Length of Stay: 29 days
Reason for Stay: CHF Exacerbation
How did patient hear about Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Case Manager

Details of Experience:

Ms. Flory is a 75-year-old female who presented to Bethany Center after a 9 night stay at Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital. She was admitted after presenting to the emergency department with increased difficulty breathing, lower extremity edema, chills and a cough. Chest x-ray showed congestive heart failure.

Martha recently moved from Kentucky to the Nashville area to be closer to her daughter after having her left lower extremity amputated below the knee. Her daughter felt that she needed her mother to be closer to her in case anything else happened. Shortly after moving and getting situated in her new place, she began experiencing the symptoms that caused her to go to the emergency room. Upon admission to Bethany, Ms. Flory already had her prosthesis for her LLE and had already begun her therapy and walking, etc.

While Ms. Flory was inpatient at Bethany regaining her strength from her recent hospitalization, Todd and Dennis paid our community a visit. Todd and Dennis were able to work with her in both occupational and physical therapy and discuss her future plans for outpatient therapy as well as PT/OT at home once discharged from Bethany. Martha made great progress in therapy as her health improved and was eventually weaned off oxygen altogether. Therapy’s focus then became her strength and safety using her prosthesis along with a rolling walker to ensure she was able to maneuver herself in her day-to-day life.

Ms. Flory’s positive outlook on her life and everything that she has endured was part of what got her through this period in her life. She was thrilled to meet Todd and Dennis and upon their leaving she stated she would love to be able to come and work with them when they’re back at Bethany. She was extremely happy with her care here as well as learning she has a support team close by.