Case Study: Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (June 2020)

Patient’s Name: James
Patient’s Age: 82-years-old
Admission Date: 06/16/20
Admitted From: Centennial Medical Center
Discharge Date: 07/01/20
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Weakness due to fluid build-up
How did patient hear about Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Caseworker at Centennial and Bethany’s Marketing Liaison

Details of Experience:
What is your favorite Saturday hobby? Well, James likes to go to Goodwill and the thrift store. He has not been able to do his favorite things for over a month. At the beginning of June, James was admitted to Centennial Medical Center because his body was retaining fluid that he could not expel. He stated, “I looked like I was carrying a spare tire around my waist or a nine-month pregnancy, whichever one is worse.” With him carrying that much fluid, he was not able to do any kind of daily life activities. His stay at Centennial just over a week and after discharging there he was admitted to Bethany.

Upon admission, he was greeted by the nursing staff, the Concierge, CNAs, and all the admission professionals. He was in such good spirits when he arrived. His first statement to the Concierge and the therapist “will I be able to go to goodwill again?” His main goal was to get home with some independence and begin his favorite weekly hobbies.

After meeting with the therapist for the initial evaluation, James was hardly able to stand for a short period of time. This was really discouraging to him, but he did not give up. Before each therapy session, he would give himself a little pep talk to get him through it. James stated, “my therapy started off with a lot of sitting exercises, which I liked because I could do those.” They worked on a lot of strengthening, especially in his lower body. Once James was strong enough to stand, they moved to transfers from bed to wheelchair to toilet and back. When they first started working on the transfers, he would need help from the walker and two people, now he is doing it with just his walker and stand-by assistance only. James uses his wheelchair most of the time, but he is able to ambulate up to 30 feet with his walker, which is enough for him to get around his house when he discharges. Often times, when I walk by his room, he is doing exercises independently from the comfort of his bed or wheelchair, while he is watching TV.

When James discharges, he will be returning home to his dog and cat, or his “children”, as he likes to call them, and his caregiver that comes to stay with him 8 hours every day. James shared, “I am fully prepared to return home and be independent with minimal assistance from my caregiver. I like to do things for myself.” He has been in good spirits his entire stay with us, and he says he will continue when he gets home. We are so proud of James and the progress he has made in therapy and to better himself. We cannot wait to get him home to his dog and cat! James will be in the Goodwill within no time!