Case Study: Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (November 2017)

Patients Age: 69
Admission Date: 8/13/17
Admitted From: Hendersonville Medical Center
Discharge Date: 11/27/2017
Discharged To: Private Home
Length of Stay: 99 days
Reason for Stay: Left Hip Contusion/Severe Peripheral Vascular Disease
How did patient hear about Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Bethany Alumni

Details of Experience:

Linda, a 69-year-old female, presented to Bethany after a fall and a contusion to her left hip. Along with her fall, she was being seen by her vascular doctor for severe peripheral vascular disease and ongoing issues with bilateral lower extremities, including some non healing vascular ulcers. Upon admission to Bethany, our wound team assessed her ulcers and continued treatment to aid in the hopes of healing.

Ms. Northington is also a dialysis patient and was transported to her dialysis appointments every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our therapy treatments were scheduled around this time as to assist in getting the best out of her therapy time spent with us. Linda has been a patient here at Bethany several times before for other health challenges in the past and has stated that if she ever needed skilled nursing care, she would only ever come to Bethany!

During her stay, Ms. Northington experienced some setbacks and several scheduled surgeries related to the vascular issues of her bilateral lower extremities. The first of three surgeries was to have a thrombectomy and a redo of the left femoral to tibial bypass with Cryovein, which had been completed in the past, but had become occluded. The second scheduled surgery was to have her right great toe amputated due to peripheral vascular disease and her toe becoming necrotic. Her final surgery would be to have her left lower extremity amputated above the knee.

Ms. Northington kept a positive attitude throughout her entire stay here at Bethany. She didn’t let her surgical setbacks keep her from performing in therapy or from having a smile on her face. Todd and Dennis were able to meet her just after her amputation and she was extremely positive about her future with a prosthetic. She was only in patient for about three more weeks before discharging home and during this time, therapy worked with her on strengthening her upper body to help with transfers and mobility having only one leg.

Linda was extremely happy with the care she received here and says if she ever needs us, she’ll be happy to come back as well as recommend Bethany to others.