Emily Morgan

Director of Concierge Services

Director of Concierge Services

Emily completed a bachelor's degree in Global Health from the University of Wisconsin. This is her first job post-grad. When she was 10 years old, her sister had a medical emergency. Aside from being worried for her sister, she developed a deep respect and fascination for those working in healthcare and was eager to change and possibly save lives, as they did for her sister. Emily also learned that even a short interaction between staff and a patient and/or their family could impact their outcome, and she knew then that that was what she wanted to do when she grew up. Emily’s favorite part of her position is the people she is surrounded by. Her coworkers have shown her nothing but grace as she navigates her new position, and has been willing and eager to help with anything she can. Emily states, “The long and short-term residents have shown me an admirable amount of patience and love. While this may be the resident's home, they sure know how to make their staff feel at home, as well.” She loves to spend her spare time outside, doing something active. Emily will also never turn down a relaxing day in the sun, reading a book, or listening to music. She loves getting dressed up, trying different foods, and seeing new places. She says, “I am thankful for the opportunity to travel, which allows me to learn about different cultures and try to incorporate them into my own life back home.”